Named by a group of New York City investors who operated the Manhattan Malting Company, Manhattan, Montana was established in 1898 by families from the Netherlands who moved here to grow barley for malters. Today, Manhattan’s economy relies heavily on agricultural seed potatoes, dairy and wheat farms, commercial beef and registered cattle. Manhattan is also a host to a variety of woodcarvers, artisans, and antique dealers.
With an abundance of outdoor recreational opportunities along with a low crime rate and a reasonable cost of living, it’s no wonder people enjoy living in Manhattan, Montana.
What to Do
City Information
Parks & Recreation
Manhattan Property Management
If you are looking for a Manhattan apartment for rent, Syringa Property Management is your team of management professionals offering superior tenant services. With our knowledge and expertise, we promise to provide the best housing environment for our tenants. If you are interesting in renting in Manhattan, Montana contact us today to learn more.